BeforeBuy > Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At BeforeBuy, we are fully aware that privacy is a matter of the utmost importance. This privacy policy aims to inform you how your personal information is collected, used, and protected when you access our website In order to gain a better understanding of privacy policy, you need to read it carefully before continuing to our service.

This policy applies only to entities under BeforeBuy control or ownership. It's important to understand that third parties who are not under our control are exempt from this policy, and it's necessary to clarify that BeforeBuy disclaims any responsibility for the privacy or security practices of these third parties.

BeforeBuy ensures compliance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, offering a secure environment for personal data. Under the Privacy Shield Principles, we take responsibility and liability when third-party agents handle personal data. However, BeforeBuy holds no liability for any damage arising in a manner inconsistent with the Principles unless concrete evidence disproves our involvement in the incident leading to the loss.


What Personal Information We Collect


Personal information

  • Contact details: name, mailing address, email, phone number
  • Demographic data: age, gender, education
  • User-generated content: comments, photos, videos
  • Payment information for subscriptions or purchases
  • Survey responses
  • Location information

Data access can expand permissions settings on your device, including access to contacts. Furthermore, as an integral part of our Site's data collection process, we systematically record information about your interactions. This information consists of detailed perspicuity into the specific pages you view and the various interactions you participate in.


Information about others you can provide


You can share information about others, such as your friend's name and email for sharing the article or the name and address of a gift subscription recipient.

Furthermore, when you join in surveys or research initiatives, you may be required to provide relevant details about the individuals involved. However, it is essential to ensure that proper authorization or obtaining consent from the individuals before sharing their information is crucial, as we will use it for the purposes listed in our privacy notice.


Non-Personal Information

  • Operating system
  • IP address
  • Page view statistics
  • Site traffic data
  • Referral URL
  • Ad-related data
  • Browsing preferences

This information is collected through cookies and other tracking technologies. Our purpose is to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalized content.


Information we obtain from other sources


Understanding user behavior and preferences is crucial to delivering a personalized and seamless experience. To achieve this goal, we use various methods to gather data from many sources, making sure we can provide you with the best possible content, products, services, and advertisements. These sources include:

  • Third-Party Sites and Apps: Abundant Data
  • Content Distribution Channels: Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and More
  • Voice-Activated Assistants: Amazon Alexa and Google Home
  • Data Suppliers: Enhancing Understanding Through Demographics
  • Social Media Platforms: Discover Your Preferences

Furthermore, when you interact with our content or ads on Social Media Platforms, we may collect information such as your username, user ID, demographic information, and more. Social Media Platform operators may also gather data on your service usage.


Sensitive data 


We never gather sensitive information, including your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, health status, genetic and biometric data, as well as any details about criminal convictions.


How We Use the Information We Collect


Fulfill your requirements and provide assistance, including:

  • Displaying our services and products that we suggest may be accessible to you
  • Coordinating access to your account for smooth interaction
  • Addressing your queries, suggestions, questions, and comments
  • Ensuring the secure and efficient processing of your payments and transactions
  • Send messages related to services/transactions to help you stay updated on changes to your account
  • Streamlining the communication channels and administrative aspect of your involvement in events, symposiums, initiatives, competitions, surveys, polls, assemblies, questionnaires, and assorted offers or promotions

Create a personalized and convenient experience with our service: These efforts involve the provision of content, products, or services that match your preference while carefully reducing the content you have previously read or watched. Our objective is to ensure that you receive fresh and relevant information, maximizing your satisfaction with our offerings.

For marketing purposes: As part of our marketing strategy, we may send notifications regarding new features, updates, products, and special offers. Your information is used to deliver highly targeted and personalized advertisements, adjusted to be brought into conformity with your specific interests in our wide range of products and services.

Furthermore, we take use of both individual and aggregate data to plan and execute our marketing and advertising campaigns meticulously. This collaborative effort extends to our trusted third-party partners, ensuring a more extensive reach and effectiveness in reaching potential customers.

To communicate with you: We always stay connected with you through various communication channels. These include reaching out regarding your account activities, confirming transactions, notifying you about subscription renewals, enrolling you in email newsletters and periodic electronic updates, and sending user surveys and promotional messages. Our communication channels encompass email, postal mail, telephone, text messages, and push notifications on mobile apps.

To protect our rights: Collecting information is vital to protect our rights. It allows us to defend ourselves against legal claims, investigate potential terms of service violations, and ensure that our intellectual property is secure.

  • Legal Compliance: We collect and process data as required by the law. This includes adhering to legal obligations, meeting legal requests, and preventing fraudulent activities.
  • Investigations: In case of investigative support, your information becomes evidence to seek truth and justice.
  • Rights and Property: Your data helps protect and defend our rights and property, ensuring we maintain a safe environment for everyone.
  • Agreements Enforcement: We base your information on implementing provisions of our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and agreements with third parties, promoting compliance and transparency.
  • Fraud and Crime Prevention: By using your data, we proactively detect and prevent fraud or criminal activity, guaranteeing our platform's and users' safety.
  • Corporate Transactions: Your information can play a significant role in the company's business transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, financing, or asset sales, facilitating a smooth transition and growth opportunities.
  • Insolvency, Bankruptcy, or Receivership: In unfortunate situations such as insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership, your personal information may still serve essential purposes to ensure appropriate solutions and protective measures are in place.

How We Collect Your Information


There are 2 main methods to gather valuable data about you:

  • Direct Data Collection: This occurs when you interact positively with our platform by filling in forms available on our website or initiating email communication. This direct interaction provides us with essential insights into your preferences, needs, and inquiries.
  • Automatic Data Collection: This method consists of 2 ways to collect data, including+ Cookies: As you navigate through websites, your online behavior is tracked through cookies and similar technologies. These small pieces of code are embedded in websites and gather information about your browsing habits, including the pages you visit, the time spent on each page, and even your preferences. For more details about this, please refer to our cookie policy.

+ Third-Party Sources: These sources encompass various entities and services, which include analytics providers like Google (based outside the EU), advertising networks like Facebook (based outside the EU), search information providers like Google (based outside the EU), email providers like Active Campaign (based outside the EU), webinar providers like WebinarJam (based outside the EU), live chat providers (based inside the EU), and providers of technical, payment, and delivery services, including data brokers or aggregators.


Cookies and Interest-Based Advertising


The use of cookies is integral to our website's functionality and enhancing user experience. These alphanumeric identifiers are transferred to your computer's hard drive via your web browser, enabling our systems to recognize your browser, track page visits, and analyze site activity. Importantly, these cookies do not collect personal information, nor do we combine them with other data to identify individuals based on their name or email address.

Managing your cookie preferences is within your control, as most browsers offer options to prevent the acceptance of new cookies, receive notifications of new cookies, or disable cookies entirely. However, it's essential to note that disabling cookies may impact certain site features, and opting out might remove any opt-out cookies affecting advertising preferences.

We collaborate with third-party advertising companies, who also employ tracking tools to deliver advertisements on external websites. While we take measures not to provide these entities with personally identifiable information, they may, through data from other sources, have the potential to identify individuals unbeknownst to us.

Additionally, our site may feature content or applications from unaffiliated third parties. In such cases, we do not exercise control over their tracking technologies or how they utilize the data. Consequently, we bear no responsibility for the content or privacy practices of any non-operated websites linked to or from our site.

While your browser or device may have "Do Not Track" functionality, our information collection, disclosure practices, and the choices we offer to visitors will continue to align with this privacy notice, regardless of receiving a Do Not Track signal. For the purpose of understanding user interactions and generating activity reports, we employ Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. It utilizes cookies or other tracking technologies to collect data, such as IP addresses, visit times, and referring websites. However, Google Analytics has a strict policy against collecting any personally identifiable user information. For precise instructions on how to opt out of Google's analytics tracking, please consult their official website.

Numerous third-party advertisers placing tracking tools on our site are part of programs that offer users choices to control data collection and usage. For additional information on these choices, you may visit the site of the Network Advertising Initiative and the Digital Advertising Alliance. Nevertheless, opting out of advertising network services will not eliminate advertisements on other websites or prevent interest-based advertising from non-participating entities. It will, however, exclude users from interest-based advertising conducted through participating networks, following the policies and choice mechanisms established by these networks.


How We Protect Your Information


Our organization uses advanced security measures to protect your data from any form of unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. Our company rigorously adheres to industry best practices, guaranteeing the protection of your personal and non-personal information.

Though we are dedicated to keeping your personal information safe, it's essential to recognize that no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is absolutely secure. Despite our best efforts, we cannot provide an ironclad guarantee.


Use and Disclosure


We collect detailed information about End Users and can supplement their profiles using data sourced from third-party entities. We always regard this data as strictly confidential for each respective client, refraining from disclosing end-user information to unrelated third parties unless explicitly mandated by our clients, as articulated in our contractual arrangement, or as mandated to fulfill legal obligations.

If, in any case, we take part in transferring your data to a third party for purposes other than the original collection or subsequent authorization, we will provide you with the option to decline. This allows you to restrict the use and disclosure of your personal data.


Children's Privacy Rights


Our website is not for children under the age of 13. We do not intentionally collect personal information from children. If you realize that your child has provided their information on our website, please get in touch with us immediately, and we will delete the data.


Links To Third-party Websites, Mobile Apps, Or Other Service


You may find links to other digital properties controlled by third parties within our Services. Each linked digital property has its own privacy notices or policies. We should read this policy for a comprehensive understanding.

We want to clarify that we don't own or control these linked digital properties. So, we can't be held responsible for what's inside, how they're used, their rules, or privacy policies.


Careers/Job Opportunities


This privacy notice comprehensively addresses various aspects of our services. This coverage excludes web pages with career opportunities or job-related content. Data collection on such pages is subject to the privacy notice published explicitly on those dedicated pages. For a detailed understanding of our data handling on our career/job pages, we recommend reviewing the dedicated privacy notice provided there.


Conditions of Use


In any disputes related to the website and services, including issues related to your personal information, the dispute resolution process will adhere to the terms specified in the Terms of Use. Before you use the service, take a moment to read the Terms of Use.


Changes to Privacy Notice


We can update this Privacy Notice periodically to match the latest in privacy practices and legal laws. These changes may occur without prior notice as required by law. In cases of significant amendments to our Privacy Policy, we will clearly indicate the date of the most recent update at the top of the policy. These changes will affect you when you use Services that follow the new Privacy Policy. We might also inform you in different ways if something fundamental changes. We encourage you to regularly visit this page to stay informed about our privacy practices.


How To Contact Us 


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the privacy policy at BeforeBuy, located in Ithaca, New York, please email or write to us at Our dedicated team will take the necessary steps to resolve your concerns when you provide all relevant information.