BeforeBuy > Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Guidelines

At Beforebuy, we work hard to deliver high-quality content you can trust. Our team of writers, editors, fact-checkers, and subject experts work seriously to create original, accurate, and engaging content that prioritizes the needs of our readers. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to reach out if you find any articles you believe can be improved. Please get in touch with us at

Our Commitment to Content Integrity

Our goal at Beforebuy is to deliver high-quality content that is crafted by humans, for humans. Every article includes a byline with the contributor's name, a short description, and a link for further details about each person involved in creating the piece. The date signifies the most recent update of the article with fresh information. Additionally, particular articles may have a tagline at the end, offering extra insights into the research or authorship. To ensure the integrity of our content, we limit the use of AI (artificial intelligence) writing tools such as ChatGPT to generate articles automatically.

If we make any factual errors, we correct them transparently and make it easy for our readers to bring them to our attention. We hold all our writers, editors, and contributors responsible for disclosing potential conflicts of interest. Our editorial content is entirely independent of our advertisers. Also, we maintain a strict separation between advertising and editorial content to ensure transparency.


Beforebuy's experienced fact checkers play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of our content. These professionals, selected for their subject matter expertise, thoroughly research all statements of fact. They ensure that the news and information presented in our articles are accurate, comprehensive, and properly sourced.

If you notice any issues that require our attention, please email us at

Accuracy and Corrections

Our editorial team is committed to delivering high-quality, factual content. If we make an error in a story, we promptly correct it and clearly label the correction, including what was changed and when. We may update an article without an editor's note when it is factually correct but lacks clarity or detail.

News articles often cover specific events in time and need to be regularly updated. However, our extensive "evergreen" service content is regularly reviewed, edited, and fact-checked by our professional review boards to ensure accuracy, relevance, and up-to-date information. Each article is date-stamped to reflect when it was last updated.

To report an error, please email us at


We follow high standards when it comes to article sourcing. Our writers and editors utilize reputable primary sources from expert interviews, government organizations, and professional and academic institutions. We make sure that every data point, fact, and assertion is supported by at least one trusted source.

We strictly discourage using anonymous or unidentified sources, as it hampers transparency and erodes reader trust. However, in rare instances where an unnamed source is used, we will provide readers with the reason for the anonymity and necessary context.

Independence and Impartiality

Beforebuy is committed to independent, impartial, and fair journalism. Our editorial content is entirely independent of our advertisers. Our "Sponsored Content" is clearly labeled to indicate that it is provided by or on behalf of an advertiser or sponsor.

To provide you with helpful information that helps you find answers, solve problems, and get inspired, we publish unbiased and comprehensive reviews of products and services. Our product and service reviews are independent and based on thorough research and testing. While Beforebuy may receive commissions from purchases made through "affiliate links" within our content, we never get compensation or consideration for the range of our recommendations.

Our writers and editors are not allowed to give preferential treatment to any outside resource based on their relationship with the person or company that authors or owns that resource. Also, Our editorial staff and contributors cannot give gifts or services from third parties for personal purposes.


At Beforebuy, we aim to provide original, practical, and unbiased content. We ensure that all information is verified, properly attributed, and does not infringe on anyone's copyright or intellectual property rights. Any suggestion of plagiarism is taken seriously and thoroughly investigated, and it may result in dismissal. We expect all contributors on our network to comply with applicable laws, standards, and accepted journalistic practices.