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Why Are My Cucumbers Prickly | Reasons And Solutions

By Ellie Perez
Ellie Perez - Senior home editor at BeforeBuy. She have many years of experience writing and editing content related to home. She always have responsibility at work.

Have you ever bought a crisp, refreshing cucumber from your garden or the grocery store and suddenly realized prickly cucumbers? This issue can be perplexing, leading you to wonder why those initially cool and smooth cucumbers have developed prickly. You’re not alone in this cucumber question, so don’t worry. To understand why cucumbers are prickly, we shall explore cucumber growth in further detail in this article. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or simply enjoy a good cucumber salad, understanding why your cucumbers get prickly will not only satisfy your curiosity but also help you prevent it in the future. Therefore, we should remove the query and solve the puzzle of “Why are My Cucumbers Prickly?

Why Are My Cucumbers Prickly

Why Do My Cucumbers Have Spiky Skin? 

Cucumber is a widely cultivated creeping vine plant that is loved for its refreshing flavor. Sometimes, it can have a prickly skin structure, which can deter from their overall appeal and eating experience. In this section, we will explore the common factors behind the occurrence of prickly cucumbers.

The Size Issue

Cucumbers’ prickly skin is a typical issue that gardeners encounter when cultivating them. The size of the cucumber is frequently a reason in this situation. When the cucumber reaches standard size, its skin extends and smoothes out. If cucumbers are picked too soon, their skin may not have the time to expand well, resulting in prickly skin. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until the cucumbers are fully mature before harvesting to ensure that the skin is smooth and thorn-free.

Poor Nutrition

The soil does not contain enough of these nutrients, cucumbers have prickly skin
The soil does not contain enough of these nutrients, so cucumbers have prickly skin

Cucumbers need a variety of nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen to develop healthily. Cucumbers may have prickly skin if the soil does not contain enough of these nutrients. Therefore, it is important to regularly fertilize the soil and make sure the plants receive enough water to get the right nutrients. By doing that, you can ensure that your cucumbers grow healthily and have smooth skin.

Genetics of Cucumber

Cucumbers have a skin structure that is either smooth or spiky, which is passed down through many generations. So, if a cucumber plant has prominent trichomes, it will produce a cucumber with a more pronounced spiny skin. On the other hand, if you plant smooth-skinned cucumber seeds, the resulting plants will most likely produce smooth-skinned cucumbers.

Pickling varieties tend to have larger fruits and more prickly skin than slicing varieties. This distinctive skin characteristic of cucumbers developed as a protection against predators taking immature fruits. Heirloom cucumber varieties generally possess this characteristic. They have the origin of cucumbers in India.

Genetic which affects the prickly skin structure of cucumbers
Genetic which affects the prickly skin structure of cucumbers

For a comprehensive overview of cucumber varieties that are differentiated by their peel structure, the following classification table describes the categories of cucumbers based on their prickly or smooth peel characteristics:

Cucumber VarietyTypeFussy/ Smooth
National pickling PicklingPrickly
Boston pickling PicklingPrickly
Calypso  PicklingPrickly
Northern picklingPicklingPrickly
Kirby      PicklingPrickly
Persian (mini) CuttingSmooth
British (European)CuttingSmooth
ArmenianCuttingMay be a little prickly
Japanese ClimbingCuttingPrickly
Straight EightCuttingSmooth
Marketmore 76CuttingSmooth

Environmental Factors Influencing Cucumber

Environmental conditions also have a deep influence on the development of prickly cucumber skin, including temperature, humidity, and water. 

  • High Temperatures: When cucumber plants encounter high temperatures, they can get stressed out. They produce more trichomes to protect themselves from dehydration, functioning like a shield to prevent water from escaping. This can cause noticeable spikes on the cucumber skin.
  • Low Humidity: Cucumber plants can also feel stressed in low humidity. They create extra trichomes as a defense to keep from drying out. These trichomes help them retain water and can cause the prickly spots on the cucumber’s skin to become more apparent.
  • Water Stress: When cucumber plants don’t have enough water,  they tend to produce trichomes to minimize water loss through evaporation. Consequently, this phenomenon may result in the formation of conspicuous spikes on the surface of a cucumber.

Pest-Induced Prickly Cucumber Skin

Cucumbers grow extra spikes for defense against beetles and insects
Cucumbers grow extra spikes for defense against beetles and insects

Because cucumber skin can become damaged by cucumber beetles and other insects, cucumbers develop additional spikes as a form of defense. When pests damage the skin, the cucumber plant makes more trichomes to defend against more harm. This can make the cucumber skin spikier. Some pests that can make cucumbers develop prickly textures include Cucumber Beetles, AphidsSpider Mites.

Can You Eat Prickly Cucumbers?

You can eat prickly cucumbers without any health concerns. Prickliness in cucumbers is mainly due to tiny, soft thorns on their skin, and these thorns are not harmful to your health. However, they can be a bit uncomfortable to eat because they might feel prickly on your tongue and lips. You just savor their crisp, delicious taste without any discomfort by handling little. 

Prickly cucumbers without any health concerns
Prickly cucumbers without any health concerns

How to Remove the Prickles?

All you need are a cloth and water, and you’ll find that most prickles easily come off. For those tougher ones, a gentle brushing should do the trick. If the prickles cause discomfort to your skin, don’t hesitate to use some cleaning gloves for added protection.

The first step is to rinse under running water thoroughly so it will get rid of your cucumber prickles. Next, you use a vegetable brush or a soft scrubber to scrub away those prickles gently. Alternatively, you can wrap the cucumber in a kitchen towel and gently wipe it down to remove the spikes.

Remove prickles by rinsing under running water
Remove prickles by rinsing under running water


We have explored the growth of cucumbers in detail to understand “why are my cucumbers prickly.” As this article explains, there are several reasons why this can happen, including genetic factors, environmental conditions, and insect damage. When you understand these factors, you can take steps to prevent prickly cucumbers in the future. You can now enjoy cool and smooth cucumbers without any surprises. So, next time you buy a cucumber, you can rest assured that it will be refreshing and delicious.

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