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Why Your Air Purifier Smells Bad

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

Air purifiers are designed to remove airborne microorganisms, including dust and gaseous pollutants such as carbon monoxide. These devices significantly enhance home air quality and freshness, but what happens when your air purifier smells bad suddenly?

These odors may come from the manufacturer’s materials or indicate a potential issue. In this article, we will explain air purifier bad smells and provide you with solutions for eliminating them.

Why Your Air Purifier Smells Bad

Why Your Air Purifier Smells Bad: Causes and Solutions

Regarding the question “Why does my air purifier smell bad?”, the air purifier is designed to remove unpleasant odors and provide a pleasant fragrance. Occasionally, it may emit unpleasant smells, leaving homeowners wondering why their air purifier produces bad odors. These odors may be due to several factors, including:

Plastic smell

If your air purifier has a plastic smell, it is likely because some air purifiers are made of plastic. As a result, this odor is common when they are new and operating for the first few hours. To fix this, simply open the air purifier, remove the filters, take off any plastic bags on the filters, and then reassemble the unit.

However, if the strong plastic smell continues even after some time, it may be due to the plastic melting from heat. In this case, we suggest immediately stopping the air purifier from working, letting it cool down, and observing. In rare cases, if the problem persists, it could be a manufacturer defect, and you may need to contact the manufacturer for a replacement.

plastic smell
Some air purifiers are made of plastic, and this odor is common when they are new and operating for the first few hours.

Wet-dog smell

Dogs typically have microorganisms on their bodies, which produce a volatile organic compound called micro excreta. Consequently, these compounds emit an unpleasant odor as they evaporate upon contact with water. This odor can be similar to what you may notice from your air purifier. Air purifiers often capture microorganisms from the air, and these organisms can leave residue on the filter, which can create a similar smell when exposed to moisture.

If you find yourself asking why your air purifier smells bad, this is typically a result of moisture interacting with bacteria that air purifiers commonly remove from the air. This issue can be resolved by changing the air purifier filters. However, it is also important to check your home for any mold or mildew issues, as these may require additional steps to resolve.

wet dog smell
Air purifiers capture microorganisms called micro excreta from the air, which leave residue on the filter and create this smell.

Dirty smell

Why does my air purifier smell dirty? This is a question that homeowners may often struggle with, but there is nothing to worry about. Air purifiers constantly clean the air within your home, and in the process, they accumulate dust and other particles that often produce bad odors.

A dirty smell usually indicates that your air purifier filters have become dirty and need replacement. However, if your filters are clean and you still notice a musty scent emanating from the device, something else within the room is likely responsible for the odor. In such cases, we suggest you should thoroughly inspect the surrounding environment for any signs of dirt or other sources of the odor.

dirty smell
A dirty smell usually indicates that your air purifier filters have become dirty and need replacement.

Sweet smell

Occasionally, you may also detect a pleasant, sweet smell coming from your air purifier, and it can be challenging to pinpoint the cause. According to our experts, two common scenarios can result in the emission of this smell from air purifiers. This sweet smell is completely normal if the device is fresh out of the box. Within a few days of operation, the odor will reduce and ultimately disappear.

On the other hand, a sweet smell can be a signal that it’s time to replace your activated carbon filter. If your device does not have an activated carbon filter and is not brand new, there may be something wrong going on with the unit. In this case, we recommend seeking a professional inspection of the unit. Depending on the assessment, you may need to repair it or purchase a new air purifier.

Sweet smell
A sweet smell can be a signal that it’s time to replace your activated carbon filter.

Burning smell

A burning smell from your air purifier is a serious concern that signals potential issues with its electrical components. Typically, this odor is linked to mechanical problems, often stemming from overworked motor or circuitry faults. However, inadequate room ventilation can also cause overheating and the same smell. Therefore, it is advisable to make sure your air purifier is in a well-ventilated space before making any assumptions.

If your device is appropriately located, we recommend resolving the issue by inspecting the internal circuits and cleaning the fan. If these components appear to be in good condition and the problem persists, consider contacting the manufacturer for repairs or a replacement. Additionally, you should never continue using an air purifier emitting a burning smell, as it can lead to an electrical fire.

burning smell
This odor is linked to mechanical problems, often stemming from overworked motor or circuitry faults.

Chlorine smell

Our experts note that this is probably the most critical issue you may encounter when using an air purifier. If you detect a chlorine-like smell from your device, the machine is likely producing ozone gas, which can severely harm your respiratory system and lungs. Even minute quantities of inhaled ozone gas can result in symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, persistent coughing, and throat irritation.

Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to this problem. If this type of smell comes from your air purifier, immediately turn off the device, ensure proper ventilation in the area, and contact a professional for repairs. You may even need to invest in a new air purifier because the potential risks simply aren’t worth it.

chlorine smell
If you notice a chlorine smell, the machine is likely producing ozone gas, which can harm your respiratory system and lungs.

Taking Care of Your Air Purifier

After understanding why your air purifier smells bad, it is important to know how to prevent bad smells and ensure your air purifier functions efficiently. Follow our tips below to take care of your air purifier:

  • Keep the air purifier in a well-ventilated area.
  • Regularly clean and maintain the filters and components as per the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal performance.
  • Maintain an appropriate level of humidity in your living space to prevent mold and mildew growth.
take care of air purifiers
Regularly clean and maintain the filters and components to ensure optimal performance.


1. How do I get rid of the smell in my air purifier?

To eliminate odors from your air purifier, you can refer to the specific solutions outlined for each type of odor mentioned above. Regular maintenance and following manufacturer guidelines are key to an odor-free and efficient air purifier.

2. Is an air purifier supposed to smell?

No, an air purifier should not emit any noticeable odors. If you detect any unusual smells, we suggest identifying the cause and taking appropriate action as soon as possible.

3. What does ozone from air purifier smell like?

Ozone is known for its strong, pungent odor, often compared to the smell of chlorine bleach. If your air purifier produces an ozone smell, we suggest addressing this issue promptly, as excessive ozone exposure can be harmful to your health.

Bottom Line

If an air purifier smells bad, it can become a nuisance and a potential health concern in some cases. By understanding the causes of these odors and implementing the right solutions, you can ensure that your air purifier continues to provide you with clean and fresh indoor air, free from unpleasant smells.

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