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Why Is My Air Purifier Red? Interpretation and Remedy

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

“Why is my air purifier red?” Do not worry! Your air purifier’s red light is a crucial warning that can imply some things, from a simple reminder to replace the filter to more serious problems with the air quality or equipment faults.

In this article, join us to learn more about the issue “Why does the air purifier show a red light?”.

1. Understanding Air Purifier Indicator Lights

On air purifiers, indicator lights act as visual cues to communicate precise information about the status and operation of the equipment.

Manufacturers use different colors for indicator lights to directly notify the user about the status of the air purifier. The air quality indicator will display the level of indoor air quality in real-time through green, yellow, or red color indicators.

Understanding Air Purifier Indicator Lights
Each light indicator represents a different status of the air purifier

2. Why is My Air Purifier Red? 

After a period of time using an air purifier, many people question “Why is my air purifier always red?”. In reality, we found the red in the air purifier refers to different significances.

The red light indicator on the air purifier may be activated for a number of reasons below:

Poor air quality

During our use, when the air quality drops below the allowable level and can harm health, the red light will turn on as a warning signal to us. That also shows us that the air purifier is working at total capacity to remove harmful emissions from the air. In this situation, we can take measures to support the air purifier to quickly reduce indoor pollution such as opening windows and doors,…

And you should also note that when the windows and doors are closed and the air purifier is running for a long time, the room can dry out too much, causing a red indicator light to appear.

Sensor issue

In rare circumstances, the red light may be flashing for no apparent cause. Sometimes, it comes from the sensors getting overloaded. They may believe that the filter is too dirty or that your environment is too contaminated, and then a red light indicator appears. But neither is true. Whenever facing that case, you had better reset the device by following the detailed solutions in the below part.

Technical issues

Another typical problem of an air purifier that can lead to a red indicator light appearing is technical issues. That can be sensor errors, electrical problems, stranger noise like grinding or rattling, etc. Although we still fix some issues ourselves, it’s better to contact the manufacturer’s customer service for warranty or repair support.

Need for filter replacement now

After a long time of use, the internal filter accumulates debris leading to a decrease in the performance of the device. In case you own an air purifier equipped with a filter replacement warning, your device will remind you through the signal from the sensor or timer. This time, a red light blink appears to play a role in signals it’s time to change the filter.

A red light indicator may be a warning sign that you need to replace the filter

Configuration of the system or mode selection

Also, we see that a  flashing red light may occasionally be a typical aspect of the air purifier’s operation during system startup or mode switching. Remember that depending on the type and manufacturer, the meaning of a red light on an air purifier can change.

3. 6 Ways to Fix a Red Light on Your Air Purifier

Now, we want to advise you on a variety of ways to fix red light air purifier issues such as waiting for a number of minutes, testing the air filter, contacting customer service for help, etc. The information that follows will give you a thorough explanation of each solution.

  • Patience is key: If the red light appears immediately upon your turn-on, maybe the air indoors has a problem. In this case, you should wait a few hours before taking further action. If the red indicator remains after that, move to the next step.
  • Inspect the filter: You can remove the filter following the manufacturer’s instructions to check if it’s visibly dirty or clogged as this is also the cause of red light. In addition, let’s refer to the cleaning or replacement manual, it will help you much when using the air purifier.
  • Perform a reset: After examining the filter, if the red light still appears, try to reset the air purifier. You can get rid of any probable bugs or mistakes that might have brought on the red light by restarting the air purifier. To do a reset, we suggest you locate the reset button on the device or refer to the owner’s handbook for more details. 
  • Ensure unobstructed airflow: You need a schedule to clean intake grilles and vents to prevent blockages. Not only that, it is important to check if there are any objects hindering airflow around the purifier.
  • Check power source: Verifying that the air purifier is receiving a stable power supply is essential. Confirm that the power cord is securely plugged into a functional outlet. If you are using an extension cord, ensure it has the proper power rating to support the air purifier’s needs.
  • Contact customer service: If the red light issue still exists after taking the aforementioned actions, it might be required to contact the air purifier’s customer service. They will offer useful advice that helps you to identify and resolve the problem exactly. When contacting customer service, we notice that you should be prepared with the model and serial number of your air purifier for quick assistance.
Reset Air Purifier
Reset Air Purifier

4. FAQs

Why does an air purifier change color?

Depending on the quality of the air, air purifiers change color. It offers immediate feedback and allows users to quickly check the cleanliness of the air and, if required, take the necessary actions to improve it. Air purifiers help people, especially those with allergies or sensitivities to airborne particles, live or work in a healthier environment by quickly alerting them to changes in the air quality.

5. Conclusion

In short, knowing our answer to the question: “Why is my air purifier red?” may help you use the air purifier more effectively. Regarding red light concerns, you need to take particular actions, regardless of whether they indicate the need for filter replacement, low air quality, or technological difficulties. We hope that you can successfully troubleshoot and resolve red light problems quickly by checking filters, cleaning the apparatus, and calling for assistance when necessary.

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