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4 Steps Reset Blue Air Purifier

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

Like other air purifiers, if you own a Blue air purifier, resetting it is essential to enhance its performance to optimal levels and save energy. But do you know how to reset your Blue air purifier in the right way? In this article, we will guide you step by step the way to reset the Blue air purifier and when it should be done. So, let’s explore now!

To reset Blue Air Purifier is important, let’s explore how to do it. This process is uncomplicated and direct, ensuring that your device will be operational again in no time!

Step 1: Turn off and unplug the device

The first step to reset Blue Air Purifier is that we turn it off and unplug our air purifier from the power source. This step is essential to prevent any accidental damage during the reset.

Turn off and unplug the device
Turn off and unplug the device

Step 2: Press and hold the “Reset” button for 5-10 seconds

Once the device is turned off and unplugged, we will locate the “Reset” button on our Blue Air Purifier, typically situated on the control panel. Then, we press and hold this button for 5-10 seconds.

Press and hold the “Reset” button for 5-10 seconds
Press and hold the “Reset” button for 5-10 seconds

Step 3: Release the button and wait for the device to restart

Following the advised duration of button pressing, we should release it and patiently await the device to restart. This may take a few seconds.

Release the button and wait for the device to restart

Step 4: Confirm that the reset was successful

After the device restarts, we should verify the success of the reset by checking the device’s settings. If the device has reverted to its default settings, the reset was successful. If not, we must repeat the process, ensuring precise adherence to the steps.

By following these straightforward instructions, we can quickly and easily reset our Blue Air Purifier, optimizing its performance and energy efficiency. In the following section, we’ll explore when it’s appropriate to reset the Blue Air Purifier.

Confirm that the reset was successful
Confirm that the reset was successful

When Should You Reset Blue Air Purifier?

Knowing when to reset Blue Air Purifier is essential for its proper maintenance and operation. You should consider resetting it under the following circumstances.


If we encounter operational issues, unusual sounds, or performance problems with our air purifier, a reset can be a useful step to resolve these problems and get our device back on track. The device will work simply after you reset our Blue Air Purifier.

Restoring default settings

Over time, our air purifier’s settings may be adjusted to specific preferences. Resetting the device to its default settings can be beneficial if we want to start fresh or ensure consistent performance according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Optimizing performance

Periodic resetting is a proactive approach to optimizing the air purifier’s performance and energy efficiency. It helps maintain the unit’s efficiency in removing contaminants from the air and prolongs its lifespan, ensuring that you enjoy clean and healthy indoor air.

Additional Useful Tips Before and After Resetting Blue Air Purifier

If the reset button doesn’t work:

If you’ve tried resetting your Blue Air Purifier but the reset button isn’t cooperating, don’t fret. There are a few things you can do to sort it out.

First, make sure the purifier is switched off and unplugged. Then, hold down the reset button for a bit longer, around 20-30 seconds. If the reset button is still unresponsive, reach out to customer support for further assistance.

Troubleshooting Before Resetting:

Before jumping into a reset for your Blue Air Purifier, it’s a good idea to troubleshoot other potential issues that might be causing the problem. Here’s what you can check:

  • Filter status: If your filter is grimy or clogged, it could be making your Blue Air Purifier act up. Keep the filter clean or replace it regularly.
  • Air vents: Blocked air vents can limit airflow and lead to overheating. Keep the air vents clean for proper air circulation.
  • Power supply: Ensure that your Blue Air Purifier is properly plugged in and that the power source is working as it should. Trying a different outlet might resolve the issue.

If you’ve given all of these troubleshooting steps a shot and the problem persists, then it’s time to reset your Blue Air Purifier. Follow the instructions in Section III to get your device back in tip-top shape.

Additional Useful Tips Before and After Resetting Blue Air Purifier

Tips for Smooth Operation of Your Blue Air Purifier with Proper Maintenance

To ensure your Blue Air Purifier continues to function properly, regular maintenance and cleaning is important. In this section, we’ll outline some maintenance tips to ensure your Blue Air Purifier operates smoothly.

  • Filter maintenance: The filter is an important component of the Blue Air Purifier, responsible for removing pollutants and allergens from the air. Over time, it can fill with contaminants. It is essential to replace or clean the filter regularly to maintain optimal performance. Frequency of replacement or cleaning depends on factors such as indoor air quality and usage. As a general rule, filters should be replaced or cleaned every 6-12 months.
  • Clean the exterior: The exterior of your Blue Air Purifier can accumulate dirt and dust over time, potentially affecting its performance. Regular cleaning of the outside of the device is essential to prevent such build-up from hindering its operation.
  • Vent maintenance: Keeping the vent clean is also important. These vents can accumulate dust and debris, leading to restricted airflow and increased strain on the device, thereby reducing its effectiveness.

For optimal performance and longevity of your Blue Air air purifier, it is important to follow the recommended maintenance schedule. This schedule should include regular cleaning of the exterior of the unit and vents, as well as replacing or cleaning the filter every 6-12 months. By following these maintenance methods, you can ensure that your Blue Air Air Purifier continues to operate efficiently and productively.


In conclusion, to reset the Blue air purifier is an action that anyone can do because it is simple but extremely important. Because that action can greatly affect the energy efficiency and efficiency of the device during our use. When we follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommended maintenance procedures, it will help support the longevity of your equipment and improve the air quality in your indoor spaces. Follow us for more house building tips.

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