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The Pros and Cons of An Air Purifier

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

Breathing is a fundamental, involuntary action that we all perform countless times each day. While it may seem like a simple and automatic process, the quality of the air we breathe profoundly impacts our overall health and well-being. While we are worried about outdoor air pollution, the air in our homes may be bad for our health. 

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the indoor concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than the typical outdoor concentrations. Besides, the World Health Organization has announced that the combined effects of household and ambient air pollution are linked to 6.7 million premature deaths annually. 

In the quest for healthier indoor air, air purifiers have emerged as a popular solution. But are they truly the answer to cleaner, fresher living spaces? This article will answer this question by offering pros and cons of air purifiers. 

How Do Air Purifiers Work?

  • Air purifier draws in air from the surrounding environment. This is typically facilitated by a built-in fan or an air circulation system.
  • As air is drawn through the air purifier, it first encounters the pre-filter, which traps larger particles like dust, pet hair, and lint.
  • Next, the main HEPA filter captures particles as tiny as 0.3 microns, which includes dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and some bacteria.
  • Finally, any lingering odors or chemicals are absorbed by the activated carbon filter.

This filtration cycle occurs multiple times within an hour to consistently improve the indoor air quality. Now, let’s explore the pros and cons of air purifiers with us.

How Do Air Purifiers Work?

Benefits of Using Air Purifiers (Pros)

Air purifiers are far more than mere gadgets;they are the silent guardians of our health. The benefits of these devices extend far beyond the removal of visible dust particles, and we will uncover the profound advantages they offer in the below section. 

1. Control allergies and asthma

Airborne particles like mold, pollen, pet dander, and bacteria serve as common triggers for allergies and asthma attacks. Based on research from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, approximately 8 out of 10 individuals in the United States encounter dust mite exposure, while 6 out of every 10 are exposed to cat or dog dander. 

Therefore, using a high-quality true HEPA filter air purifier in your home can minimize the presence of allergens and particles that trigger asthma or allergies in the air you inhale. However, it’s still essential to ask for your physician before stopping using any medications, as an air purifier only contributes a small part to your treatment plan.

2. Reduce viruses

Viruses like the cold, flu, and COVID-19 can be transmitted through airborne particles and droplets. When someone catches a respiratory bug and sneezes or coughs, they can’t help spreading the virus. 

Air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters can effectively capture and retain these airborne viruses, preventing them from circulating in the indoor environment. Moreover, some air purifiers are now further enhanced with ultraviolet light that destroys the DNA structure of viruses so they can protect your health from harmful viruses. 

Reduce viruses

3. Remove harmful toxins

Numerous household items may release harmful toxins into the air, which is a process persisting up to two years. These items include building materials, adhesives, wall paint, furnishings, and cleaning products. 

The phenomenon known as chemical off-gassing is linked to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and they can pose significant health risks when exposed to high concentrations. This is a common problem in inadequately ventilated homes. 

If you purchase an air purifier with a thick activated carbon filter, then the unit can absorb these VOC chemicals from the air so they don’t end up in your eyes, throat, or lungs.

4. Remove ordors

Whether you’re having trouble ridding your home of odors from cooking, new furniture, pets, or a stinky carpet, an air purifier may be able to help. 

An air purifier with an activated carbon filter can eliminate odor-causing molecules. It keeps indoor air fresh and reduces the need for air fresheners. 

5. Enhance sleep quality

A good night’s sleep is extremely important for good health. With cleaner air, you may find that you sleep better, as breathing becomes easier and more comfortable. However, we can not sleep sometimes because of irritation, and breathing problems caused by indoor air pollution. 

Placing an air purifier in your bedroom can minimize your exposure to nighttime airborne particles. Moreover, the noise produced by an air purifier can act as white noise, effectively blocking disruptive sounds and promoting a more relaxing sleeping environment

Enhance sleep quality

6. Improve your skin

Tiny particles from the outdoors that sneak into your home can lead to irritants, such as eczema and skin rashes.  These irritants, particularly on sensitive skin, can trigger breakouts and cause dryness, redness, and itching. Air purifiers have the potential to decrease acne by eliminating bacteria and other irritants present in the air.

Besides, free radicals possess the capacity to harm the skin and accelerate the aging process. An air purifier has the ability to reduce the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines by safeguarding the skin against damage caused by pollutants and free radicals.  

Drawbacks of Using Air Purifiers (Cons)

Like all innovations, air purifiers have their limitations and trade-offs. While they hold the potential to enhance our well-being and the quality of the air we breathe, it is equally important to consider the potential drawbacks. 

1. Costly

One of the cons of the air purifiers is that high-quality ones can be expensive to buy. Besides, there are ongoing expenses to consider, such as:

  • Energy consumption cost: You will have to cover the electricity expenses required to run these devices, and when operated continuously, air purifiers can consume a similar amount of energy as a refrigerator. 
  • Filter replacement cost: Almost all air purifiers also require you to replace the filters periodically (often every six or 12 months) with costs that can exceed $100.

2. Generating ozone

Numerous ionizers, particularly older versions, can produce ozone while in operation. The EPA has criticized these gadgets. Also, there are references to multiple studies indicating their potential health hazards and their limited effectiveness in eliminating airborne pollutants.

Now, many manufacturers have claimed that their more recent models do not emit ozone or other reactive oxygen compounds. However, for some reason, ozone generators still exist on the market. Therefore, you need to carefully check the information of any air purifier before buying.

Generating ozone

3. Might produce noise when operating 

Several air purifiers might produce a continuous humming or buzzing sound when they’re in use. The noise generated is caused by the air flow friction when the fan drives the air through the air duct, air inlet, air outlet and filter material. 

However, most modern air purifiers have built-in fans with silent motors, which will not be too noisy for the user.

4. UV rays

This is the problem of UV air purifiers. Because of its capability to damage DNA, direct exposure of the skin or eyes to UV-C radiation can lead to harm

Moreover, the interaction between filters and UV rays can cause the breakdown of oxygen and water molecules into ozone and hydroxyl, leading to the creation of additional elements that might react with other pollutants. This results in the formation of potentially more harmful substances. 

Therefore, when using a UV air purifier, it’s essential to observe several precautions. You need to ensure that the air purifier’s casing is tightly sealed, with no openings that expose its UV light.

UV rays

5. Breeding ground for bacteria

When microorganisms gather and remain untreated within HEPA filters over an extended period, they establish an optimal environment for the growth of bacteria and microbes. These organisms can reproduce swiftly and, over time, bounce back into your living area

Consequently, many users are unsure whether to choose an air purifier or depend on natural ventilation. However, just cleaning the filter regularly and replacing it on time can solve this problem.

What Things Should You Consider Before Buying An Air Purifier?

If you are looking for a buying guide that can help you select the perfect air purifier for your home, please check below. 

Cost of replacement filters

As a general rule, you should replace filters (or clean those that can be vacuumed) every six to 12 months if they are pleated and every three months for activated carbon filters. The prices of filters have various variations, they can be as low as $20 or exceed $200 depending on your model. 

Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) ratings

The CADR, expressed in cubic feet per minute, indicates the quantity of fresh air an air purifier generates when operating at its highest speed setting

To illustrate the impact of CADR, let’s consider an example. Suppose we have an air purifier with a CADR of 250 for dust particles. This means that the air purifier can reduce dust levels to an extent equivalent to what would be achieved by adding 250 cubic feet of fresh air every minute.

The higher the CADR, the faster and more efficient the air purifier is. 

Energy Star certification

In order to be efficient, air purifiers need to operate continuously, so it’s essential to consider the energy expenses when making a purchase. Purifiers bearing the Energy Star certification are 40 percent more energy-efficient than conventional models.

Room size

Room size

The size of the room where you plan to use the air purifier is an important consideration. Different air purifiers have varying coverage areas, so it’s essential to choose one that is suitable for the size of the room you want to purify. So, you need to: 

  • Consider the square footage of the room and check the manufacturer’s specifications to ensure the air purifier can effectively clean the air in that space.
  • Find an air purifier that is equipped with an AHAM Verified seal, you can trust that the device is capable of managing the recommended room size as indicated on the seal. 
  • Consider sizing up. Most air purifiers designed for larger rooms (350 square feet and above) can effectively function in smaller spaces when operated at lower speeds. 

Noise level

Because air purifiers should always be running, ideally they should also be quiet. A reasonable noise level for an air purifier is 40-50 decibels (dB). This is about the volume of a quiet conversation or a running fan. If you are using the air purifier in a bedroom or other quiet space, you may want to choose a model with a noise level below 40 dB.

Other Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Improving indoor air quality is focused on personal protection, reducing/eliminating the source of pollution, improving ventilation and cleaning the air. Besides using an air purifier, do these 7 things to improve your indoor air quality now.

  • Clean rugs, carpets, and furniture.
  • Wash bedding in hot water on a weekly basis.
  • Regularly bathe your pets.
  • Maintain the humidity in your home within the optimal range of 40% to 60% to deter the growth of mold and dust mites.
  • Stay away from smoking indoors, whether in your home or car.
  • Switch to non-harmful cleaning products.
  • Open windows and use fans to make sure your home ventilation is well maintained. 


Overall, there is no denying that air purifier is a great solution for your air issues with multiple valuable pros, such as:

  • Cleaner indoor air which boasts the potential to alleviate allergies
  • Improve respiratory health
  • Provide overall well-being

However, it still comes with some disadvantages. Therefore, we want to emphasize that the decision to invest in an air purifier hinges on individual circumstances and priorities.

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