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How to use air purifier for the best performance

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

This blog provides you with the important information you shouldn’t skip that helps you understand how to use an air purifier, from tips to make its best performance to troubleshooting some issues that happen.

3 Minutes to Fully Understand How to Use Air Purifier Correctly

Understanding how to optimize its performance will help us take advantage of all its functions. So, in this paragraph, we want to provide detailed information that will help you know how to use air purifier effectively and correctly. Let’s get it!

Select the ideal location

The ideal location to place an air purifier must respond to 5 factors: 

  • Near worst air pollutant sources (such as mold, smoke,…) to improve air quality rapidly.
  • Set 3-5 feet off the ground. In this way, you not only can expose an air purifier to vertical air movement but also make it capture the horizontal indoor air movement. 
  • Avoid putting in a corner because you can block sides of air movement which leads to a decrease in air purication.
  • Avoid humid areas like the bathroom or cooking area if you don’t want humid air to decrease the filters’ capacity (especially HEPA filters).
  • Keep it away from electronic devices. The air purifier’s performance could be harmed by devices like TVs, stereos, and microwaves,… because of electronic interference.

Choosing the right place to set up the air purifier is also a way to increase the device’s performance

Always turn it on

We recommend leaving your air purifier on day and night, even if you are asleep or away from home. Because as soon as you turned off your air purifier, the purification process would be undone. The air becomes once more contaminated by dust, pet dander, mildew, and so on. Therefore, unless you don’t mind compromising air quality, your air purifier should always be on.

Close the windows and doors

An air purifier might not clean the air when the door is opened. This is due to the possibility of harmful particles entering the space when windows or doors are opened. It also leads to impairing the air purifier’s efficiency.

Windows and doors must be kept closed when using the air purifier

Close the windows and doors
Air purifier might not clean the air when the door is opened

Change filters regularly

If your air purifier uses activated carbon or HEPA, you must notice when your filter needs to be replaced. Some air purifiers are equipped with a warning replacement function. In case your air purifier doesn’t have one, you may read the manual to find out what time the filter should be replaced. You should find reputable addresses to buy genuine filters instead of buying unknown origins filters on the market.

Clean up the air purifier

Your air purifier should be dust-free in order to filter the air more effectively. To get it, you are only required a quick dusting with a dust cloth once a week. Additionally, every two weeks, we advise cleaning the pre-filter. The reason is before the air reaches the other filters, the biggest dust particles would gather in this filter. You can simply clean it with a vacuum.

Do some extra efforts to improve indoor air quality

An air purifier can not fix all air quality problems. So it’s necessary to take action to improve indoor air quality beyond using an air purifier.

In case your home outside has many trees and low dust, you can open windows and doors to let in fresh air from outside. Not only that, you must keep things clean through routine dusting and cleaning of surfaces, floors, and carpets in order to prevent the buildup of allergens and pollutants.

You may also use a dehumidifier to reduce allergies and mold growth, forbid smoking indoors, choose natural cleaning supplies, and buy low-VOC or VOC-free household items. And the no less important things are adding indoor plants that purify the air, staying away from artificial perfumes, and installing carbon monoxide detectors.

We should take action to improve indoor air quality besides using air purifiers

efforts to improve indoor air quality
An air purifier can not fix all air quality problems

Consider using multiple air purifiers

We can utilize specialized air purifiers for each space in our house. For instance, a better odor-targeting air purifier may be required in a kitchen or bathroom to eliminate the scents of harsh cleaning agents. On the other hand, a product utilized in a garage might necessitate a greater emphasis on VOCs.

Besides, several different air purifier features can fit into some room types. It would make sense to use an air purifier to lower noise in our bedroom, for instance, so that we can sleep soundly at night.

Troubleshooting Common Issues when Your Air Purifier Gets Wrong

In the operation process, you can see some uncomplicated issues that prevent your air purifier from working properly. We hope the troubleshooting advice for air purifiers below will help you find answers to some frequent issues.

The air purifier does not turn on

In case your air purifier won’t turn on after you push the power button, firstly, let’s check to see if the power cord is plugged in. If it is plugged in but still not active, you can check the power outlet that working normally.

Suppose everything above does not have a problem but your air purifier is still not operating;look at the power rating. The performance of the air purifier will be hampered if the power rating of your air purifier and the outlet do not match. Even worse, an incorrect power rating could harm your gadget. 

In addition, if the power cable is broken, you must stop using your air purifier and get in touch with the company’s customer service department to be supported.

Air purification is ineffective

There are a few potential causes that affect on working process of air purifiers. Here they are and the way to handle it:

  • Bad indoor air quality: We can fix this problem by ventilating the space before utilizing the purifier if the air quality is poor. After that, close the doors and windows when the cleaner is running.
  • There is too much room coverage: You should take note that each air purifier has a specific area that it can cover. Thus, if you utilize it in a bigger room, the air purification results won’t look good. You can read the manual to know the suggested room coverage that uses the air purifier in accordance with. 
  • The pre-filters have accumulated dust: It’s very simple for you to fix it by wiping it with a clean towel.
  • Objects obstruct the air intake and outflow: In this case, a vacuum strong enough may be helpful for you to get out of trouble and get rid of the dust to improve air purification.

Sometimes, air purifiers can be inefficient and we need to fix that

The unusual smell emanating from the purifier’s outlet

A purifier’s air outlet should disperse fresh air throughout the space. So, if we sense an unusual odor from it, that may have strong smoke and scents present in our room. These smells might be coming from cooking or smoking cigarettes indoors or from outside, for example, wildfire smoke. Consequently, it makes the filtration system less effective.

To recover this, we should ventilate the space before turning on the air purifier for 30 minutes to an hour. After the smoke has cleared, we just close the windows and turn on the air purifier as usual.

If your air purifier contains a deodorizing (activated carbon or other sorts) filter, this could also be an unusual odor source. When the filter is blocked with chemicals and gases, it may start to smell foul.

We can treat it simply by leaving the filter in the sun’s direct rays for a few hours. Sun UV rays not only get rid of the smell, but they will also make the carbon filter work better. If it still doesn’t work, we should replace the old one with an original deodorizing filter from the manufacturer’s store.

A beeping noise is coming from the air cleaner

The air purifier’s beeping may be a warning sign that we must replace the filter. To make sure, we can double-check this sign through the indicator light. If the light is on, that means the filter has to be changed as soon as possible.

After you’ve cleaned or replaced the filter, whether the beeping sound continues, for assistance, you can get in touch with the manufacturer.


If you want to maintain wholesome home air, you have to know how to use air purifiers productively. In order to do that, you should remember a few tips when using an air purifier, such as choosing the right location to place the air purifier, changing the filter regularly, etc,… Not only that, you must keep in mind ways to troubleshoot air purifier’s problems.

Our blog post is full of information for your reference. So let’s save it.

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