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Does Dyson Air Purifier Truly Remove Odor?

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

In reality, not all air purifiers can effectively delete odor. Among hundreds of air purifier brands, Dyson, considered one of the giants in the air solution market, also makes many people ask: “Does Dyson air purifier remove odors?”. If you’re wondering, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will delve into many aspects to help you answer the above question.

Does Dyson Air Purifier Remove Odors?

Does Dyson Air Purifier Remove Odors
Dyson air purifier helps Eliminate odors

Yes, we realize that Dyson air purifiers can completely remove odors thanks to a combination of HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, and several advanced features. Here’s a breakdown of how the Dyson air purifier works to eliminate odors:

HEPA filter

HEPA filters are designed to remove small particles from the air, including dust, pollen, and pet dander. They are made of a fine mesh that traps particles as they pass through the filter. They can also capture some odorous particles, but they may not be as effective at removing strong odors. This is where the activated carbon filter comes into play.

Activated carbon filter:

Activated carbon is a highly porous material that has the ability to adsorb and trap odorous molecules. It works by attracting and binding odors to its surface, effectively removing them from the air. This makes activated carbon filters particularly effective at eliminating odors caused by cooking, pets, tobacco smoke, and other common household smells.

Here’s a more our detailed explanation of how carbon filters work to answer the question, “Does Dyson air purifier remove odors” :

  • Adsorption process: The primary mechanism by which carbon filters remove odors is through a process called adsorption. Adsorption is the binding of molecules to the surface of a solid material, in this case, the activated carbon. The activated carbon in the filter contains numerous tiny pores and a vast surface area that attracts and captures odorous molecules.
  • Chemical structure: The structure of activated carbon is highly complex, consisting of a network of interconnected pores at the microscopic level. These pores have various sizes and shapes, which contribute to the carbon filter’s ability to capture different types of odors.
  • Odor removal: When air passes through the carbon filter, the odorous molecules present in the air are attracted to the surface of the activated carbon. The porous structure of the carbon provides a large surface area for the odorous molecules to adhere to. This adsorption process effectively traps and holds the odors, preventing them from being released back into the air.
  • Wide range of odor removal: Carbon filters are effective at removing a wide range of odors, including those caused by cooking, pets, tobacco smoke, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from household products. The activated carbon in Dyson air purifiers can capture these odorous molecules, improving the overall air quality by reducing unpleasant smells.
Activated carbon filter
Activated carbon filter

Automatic odor detection

Some Dyson Air Purifiers have sensors that can automatically detect odors and pollutants in the air. When an odor is detected, the purifier adjusts its settings to work more intensively, ensuring rapid odor elimination.

We want to note that does the Dyson air purifier remove odors much or less effectively, depending on a number of factors? In specific, there include the size of the unit, the type of filter, and the level of odor. Larger units with more activated carbon filters are more effective at removing odors.

How to Use Dyson Air Purifier Effectively

Now, we have a clear answer to the question: Does Dyson air purifier remove odors? However, in order for air purifiers to be maximally effective in removing odors, you should know some tips. Here are expert recommendations on optimizing Dyson Air Purifiers for effective odor removal and maintaining peak performance:

Regular filter replacement

Regular filter replacement is one of the most critical factors in maintaining an efficient Dyson Air Purifier. Filters can become saturated with particles and odors over time, hindering their effectiveness.

We suggest you check your purifier’s user manual for specific replacement intervals, but as a general guideline, aim to replace filters every three to six months. This ensures that your purifier can continue effectively capturing odors and airborne particles.

Regular filter replacement
Regular filter replacement

Routine cleaning

In addition to filter replacement, regular cleaning of the unit itself is essential. Dust and debris can accumulate on the purifier’s exterior, affecting airflow and overall performance. It is suggested to use a damp cloth to clean the exterior of the purifier approximately once a month. This simple step can significantly affect how efficiently your Dyson Air Purifier operates.

Optimal placement

Selecting the right placement is one of the key factors to optimize the performance of your Dyson air purifier. Here are some things you need to keep in mind when choosing where to place your Dyson air purifier:

  • Central location: Position the Dyson Air Purifier in a central location within the room. This allows it to circulate and clean the air more effectively, reaching all corners of the space.
  • Avoid obstructions: Ensure that there are no obstructions, such as furniture or curtains, blocking the intake or exhaust of the purifier. Unobstructed airflow is essential for optimal performance.
  • Elevated placement: Whenever possible, place the purifier at an elevated level, like a table or shelf. This allows it to draw in cleaner, fresher air from higher in the room, avoiding pollutants closer to the floor.
  • Distance from walls: Maintain some distance between the purifier and the walls. This allows for better air circulation and prevents the buildup of stale air in corners.
  • Keep Doors and windows closed: While the purifier is operating, it’s beneficial to keep doors and windows closed to prevent the influx of outdoor pollutants. This ensures that the purifier can focus on cleaning indoor air effectively.
  • Proximity to odor sources: If you’re specifically targeting odor removal, place the purifier closer to the source of the odor. For instance, if cooking odors are an issue, position it in the kitchen while cooking.
Place to Put an Air Purifier
Place to Put an Air Purifier

Minimize interference

When the Dyson air purifier is in operation, you should consider turning off other electronic devices, such as televisions or fans that might produce dust particles. By reducing the introduction of new particles into the air, you help maintain the purifier’s efficiency in capturing existing odors.

Consider a larger unit

When choosing a Dyson Air Purifier to remove odors, we recommend you carefully consider the coverage area. Adjusting the device’s coverage area to the size of your room is important for effective odor removal. A larger unit can exchange air more effectively, helping to eliminate odors faster. It also ensures consistent air quality and can be more energy efficient in the long run. 

So, Dyson air purifier how many square feet is? Dyson currently has many different lines of air purifiers;each line has a different coverage area, so the deodorizing ability is also different. For example, Dyson Purifier Cool™ TP07 covers 201 to 399 square feet, Dyson Purifier Formaldehyde™ TP09 covers 201 to 400 square feet, Dyson Pure Cool Me™ TP05: 131 to 199 square feet. 

Consider a larger unit
Consider a larger unit

Additional strategies and products

To complement your Dyson Air Purifier’s odor-removing abilities, we advise you to consider implementing additional strategies, such as:

  • Ventilation: Proper ventilation can help expel odors from your living space. It is advisable to open windows and doors when weather permits to allow fresh air to circulate.
  • Air-Friendly products: You should use air-friendly products like natural air fresheners or essential oil diffusers to maintain a pleasant scent in your home.
  • Odor absorbers: Consider using odor-absorbing products like activated charcoal bags in areas prone to persistent odors, such as closets or pet spaces.

By implementing these expert recommendations and complementary strategies, you can harness the full potential of your Dyson Air Purifier, ensuring that it continues to combat odors effectively and maintain excellent air quality in your home.

Does Dyson Air Purifier Remove Odors: FAQs

1: Will an air purifier get rid of urine smell?

Yes, Dyson Air Purifiers are effective at removing urine odors.. The activated carbon filter absorbs the odor molecules, while the HEPA filter captures any microscopic particles that may carry the scent. This combined approach ensures that urine smells are efficiently removed, leaving your home smelling fresh.

2: Can Air Purifiers Remove Perfume Odors?

Yes, air purifiers can help eliminate fragrance smells. While fragrances are designed to enhance the ambiance of a space, they can sometimes become overpowering or undesirable. By capturing and neutralizing fragrance molecules, these purifiers can help restore a more balanced and pleasant scent in your living environment.


In short, for those wondering whether Dyson air purifiers eliminate odors, our answer is absolutely yes. The Dyson air purifier is a multi-purpose device with an outstanding ability to remove many types of odors. Their advanced filtration technology and efficient air circulation make them valuable tools for maintaining a clean and odor-free home. 

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