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Do Onions Purify The Air? Everything You Need to Know

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

Recently, onions have been known for another function, which is to purify the air. This sounds quite surprising and appealing, it arouses the curiosity of many people about the idea of using onions as a natural air purifier.

In this article, we will analyze and answer people’s questions surrounding the question “Do onions purify the air?”. Not only that, but we will also provide some more information as well as a scientific basis for this method. Let’s join with us now!

Do Onions Purify The Air

The History of the Onion Purification Myth

Around the 1500s, a historical event took place around the world called the bubonic plague. During this period, people used onions to fight infectious diseases by placing cut onion slices around the house. From here, the myth that onions can prevent infectious diseases was born.

At this time, most people believed in the theory that all diseases were spread through the air and existed in the form of “clouds of disease” known as miasma (translated from ancient Greek to mean “pollution”). According to their concept, Miasma is inherently something that can be smelled by the sense of smell and onions will be able to absorb it because of its characteristic pungent smell and provide protection.

The History of the Onion Purification Myth

Do Onions Purify the Air?

We see that there is actually very little scientific evidence that can prove that onions can purify the air. Scientifically, cutting or grinding onions can still release some antibacterial compounds. However, these compounds have quite low concentrations and do not last long enough in the air to effectively clean the air. 

In 2017, a study on the effects of onion vapor on airborne bacteria was published by the Journal of Food Protection. In this study, scientists showed that onion vapor still has some antibacterial effects and reduces the proportion of bacteria in the air. However, this concentration is still very limited and not sufficient to purify the air.

Previously, another study on the ability to remove formaldehyde from onion extract was also published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials in 2015. It is known that formaldehyde is a very common indoor air pollutant. and onion extract still has the ability to remove formaldehyde. However, this study performs that the effectiveness of onion extract is relatively low compared to other air-purifying materials, such as activated carbon and HEPA.

In general, we notice that onions still have some antibacterial ingredients and properties, but the concentrations they release are not enough to effectively purify the air.

Do Onions Purify the Air?

Truly Health Benefits of Onion

Although onions are not really outstanding in their role in purifying the air as people often think, however, the real benefits of onions for health may surprise you. Below is some information about the uses of onions that we have found out.

Improve immune system

This has been proven through the ingredients in onions containing many minerals and vitamins. Some of them include vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, and potassium. These substances have outstanding effects in protecting the body from pathogens such as viruses.

Prevent cardiovascular diseases and some other dangerous diseases:

With abundant sulfur compounds, onions are especially effective in preventing some cardiovascular diseases. Specifically, this compound functions in limiting plaque buildup in the arteries and supporting a healthier vascular system. 

Not only that, sulfur compounds also act as a powerful antioxidant. It is effective in improving blood pressure and preventing dangerous chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. In addition, the Quercetin compound found in onions also has anti-inflammatory, and antiviral effects and supports maximum immune health. 

Prevent some potential cancer

In several recent studies, scientists have demonstrated that compounds found in onions such as sulfur and quercetin inhibit the spread and growth of cancer cells. From there, it can prevent some potential cancers such as stomach cancer and colon cancer.

Reduces the risk of osteoporosis and improves gut health:

In onions, there is a compound that very few people know is GPCS (gamma-glutamyl peptide). This compound greatly reduces the risk of osteoporosis and improves our bone and joint health. In addition, the abundant fiber in onions also helps improve intestinal health, resolve constipation, and balance intestinal bacteria.

Truly Health Benefits of Onion

Other Ways to Purify the Air

To get better air purification results, we suggest you consider some other air purification options that can improve the air quality in your home. In particular, using filters and growing plants with the ability to purify will be the two most optimal options.

1. Use an air purifier

One of the fastest and most effective methods of cleaning the air is to use an air purifier. By being equipped with many modern filtering technologies and many different features, the air purifier will be the perfect solution to bring you the freshest and safest air. Below are some types of air purifiers we recommend for you.

  • Dyson Pure Series: This is a purifier line that integrates both features: fan and air purification. In particular, the filters used by Dyson include both HEPA and activated carbon filters. These two filters are effective in removing particles and unpleasant odors. In addition, innovative features and modern design are also an advantage of Dyson Pure.
  • Blueair Classic Series: Blueair Classic is known for its high air purification performance and two main filters: HEPA and activated carbon. They are specially designed with strong filtering ability, very suitable for large rooms.
  • Honeywell HEPA air purifier: Honeywell is known as a brand with many types of HEPA air purifiers. Among them, Honeywell HPA200 and HPA300 are the two most effective models in removing harmful particles in the air and allergens.
  • Levoit LV-H series: With the advantage of compact design and quiet operation, Levoit’s LV-H air purifiers are especially suitable for small rooms. In addition, this is also a very affordable filter line.
Use an air purifier

2. Other plants with air-purifying qualities

Not only do they decorate and bring green space to the house, but some plants also have the ability to purify the air very effectively. With the properties of good absorption of toxins and release of oxygen, the plants below will be ideal suggestions for you to improve and enhance indoor air quality.

  • Peace lily (Spathiphyllum): In addition to its gentle, elegant fragrance, peace lilies also have the ability to purify the air relatively effectively. It is effective in absorbing and eliminating certain toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia, giving you fresher and safer air.
  • Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea Seifrizii): Besides beautifying the house, bamboo palms also act as a natural air purifier, very effective in filtering out toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde.
  • Boston fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata): For the dry season, Boston fern will be the perfect choice for you because, in addition to removing pollutants such as formaldehyde and xylene, it also has the ability to increase humidity in the air.
  • Lavender (Lavandula): With its gentle scent, lavender not only soothes the senses and effectively reduces stress, but the entire plant also has the ability to purify the air.
Other plants with air-purifying qualities


Is inhaling onion good for you?

According to some traditional scientific bases, onions contain a number of compounds such as quercetin and allicin, these compounds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Inhaling small amounts of these compounds can help reduce respiratory inflammation and support healthier breathing. However, with its pungent and strong characteristics, onions are not necessarily a good experience for some people.

Bottom Line

In short, although onions contain sulfur compounds that may have antibacterial properties, the notion that they can actually clean indoor air is largely unfounded. Therefore, to improve indoor air quality, air purifiers or some other methods such as planting many plants that can eliminate toxins and ventilation are still the priority and most effective options. With this information, we hope to be able to answer your questions about “Do onions purify the air?”

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