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Can You Use Regular Charcoal To Purify Air?

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

Fresh and clean air is a vital component of a healthy living environment. With concerns about indoor air quality on the rise, many people are exploring different methods to purify the air they breathe. If you are looking for a natural and cost-effective way to purify indoor air, charcoal can be an ideal option. But can you use regular charcoal to purify air?

In this article, we will discover can regular charcoal purify the air, the difference between regular charcoal and activated charcoal, and how to use it for air purification.

Can You Use Regular Charcoal to Purify Air?

Now to the most important question: “Can you use regular charcoal to purify air?” Regular charcoal, such as the type used for grilling or found in a fireplace, can help absorb certain pollutants from the air. Still, we realize that it is not as effective as activated charcoal designed for air purification. Below we’ve listed several reasons that may help you understand the possible causes:

regular charcoal
Regular charcoal, such as the type used for grilling, can help absorb certain pollutants from the air.
  • Effectiveness: While regular charcoal may be somewhat effective at removing some odors and impurities from the air on a small scale, it won’t be as efficient as activated carbon. Activated carbon is designed specifically for air purification, and its porous structure allows it to trap a broader range of contaminants.
  • Safety: Using regular charcoal for air purification may release dust and other particles into the air, which can be harmful to breathe in. In contrast, activated charcoal is designed to minimize the release of these particles.

If you want to purify the air in your home, we suggest investing in air purifiers equipped with activated carbon filters or standalone activated carbon filters. By removing a wide range of pollutants and odors, these products ensure optimal air purification for your living space.

The Difference Between Regular Charcoal and Activated Charcoal

charcoal difference
Activated charcoal or activated carbon is specially processed to increase its surface area and make it highly porous.

After getting to know can you use regular charcoal to purify air, let’s find out the difference between activated charcoal and regular charcoal.

Activated charcoal or activated carbon is specially processed to increase its surface area and make it highly porous. The process involves heating regular charcoal and activating it with chemicals or steam. This increased surface area allows it to adsorb (not absorb) a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odors, and other impurities in the air.

In contrast, regular charcoal is used for grilling and is often referred to as “charcoal briquettes.” Unlike activated charcoal, it does not go through the activation process and is not as porous, so it has a lower adsorption capacity.

How To Use Activated Charcoal For Air Purification

activated charcoal
Activated charcoal is an excellent choice for air purification, thanks to its superior adsorption capabilities.

Activated charcoal is an excellent choice for air purification, thanks to its superior adsorption capabilities. Our guide below will show you how to use it effectively:

  • Air purifier: Many air purifiers come with activated charcoal filters. These filters work by trapping odors, gases, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the charcoal’s pores as the air passes through the filter.
  • DIY air purifier: To create a DIY air purifier with activated charcoal, put activated charcoal granules or charcoal bags in a container with holes to allow air circulation. You can place the air purifier in areas with odors or poor air quality for optimal air purification.
  • Refrigerator deodorizer: Activated charcoal is also useful for eliminating odors in the refrigerator. Placing a container of activated charcoal in your fridge can help absorb food odors and maintain a fresher environment.
  • Shoe deodorizer: To prevent shoe odor, you can put activated charcoal bags inside your shoes. They will absorb moisture and odors, giving your footwear a refreshing smell.

Bottom Line

Regarding the question “Can you regular charcoal to purify air?”, while regular charcoal has its uses in grilling and other applications, it is not a suitable choice for air purification. When it comes to improving indoor air quality, we recommend opting for activated charcoal as its extensive porous structure offers better adsorption of pollutants, odors, and toxins from the air. It is a simple and cost-effective solution that can significantly contribute to a cleaner and healthier living environment for you and your family.

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