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Answered: Does An Air Purifier Dry Indoor Air?

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

Individuals choose air purifiers to improve indoor air quality. For those with allergies or respiratory conditions, air purifiers can reduce symptoms and improve overall well-being. Nevertheless, air purifiers do not dry out air. Excessive dryness in the air can result in various problems, including skin and nasal discomfort. This article seeks solutions to alleviate these worries while enjoying the advantages of employing air purifiers.

Why Do You Think Air Purifiers Dry Out Air?

In fact, air purifiers do not inherently dry the air. Air purifiers work by taking air and pulling it through filters that remove airborne contaminants, then blowing fresh air back into the room. Whereas dehumidifiers help remove moisture from the air, air filters do not have any mechanism to remove water.

So why does the air feel drier in spaces with air purifiers? Here are some main reasons:

  • Circulation of air: Air purifiers circulate air in the room, similar to a fan. This circulation can make the room feel calmer, and cooler air tends to feel drier than moist air.
  • Proximity to the device: If you are sitting near the air purifier and the fan blows air directly around your face, it can dry out your nasal passages and make the air feel dry.
  • Cooling effect: As the air is circulated through the room by the air purifier, it can become cooler. Cool air often feels less humid and drier, which can contribute to the perception of dryness in the air.
  • Poor insulation: Inadequate insulation in homes can allow cold air to infiltrate, leading to a decrease in indoor humidity. Insulation helps to maintain a barrier between the indoor and outdoor environments, preventing the exchange of air and moisture.
  • Central heating: Central heating systems are commonly used to warm indoor spaces during winter. However, these systems can contribute to dryness because they increase the temperature without adding any moisture to the air. As a result, the relative humidity indoors decreases.

How to Keep Humidity When Using an Air Purifier?

Thus, air purifiers dry out air is just our feeling, or rather, it is a misunderstanding. However, if the air is already dry, turning on the air purifier may worsen the condition. Below, we will list some ways to keep the air’s humidity when using an air purifier.

  • Reduce the fan speed: Many air purifiers have adjustable fan speeds. Lowering the fan speed can help reduce the circulation of air, which can make the room feel cooler and drier. By reducing the fan speed, you can minimize the drying effect of the air purifier.
  • Use a humidifier: If the indoor air is already dry, using a humidifier can help increase humidity levels. A humidifier adds moisture to the air, counteracting the potential drying effect of the air purifier. This can help maintain a comfortable level of humidity in your space.
  • Monitor humidity levels: You should monitor the humidity levels in your space regularly. You can leverage a hygrometer to track the humidity. The ideal humidity range for comfort is generally between 30% and 50%. It is essential to adjust the settings of your humidifier accordingly to maintain the desired humidity level.
  • Consider room size: The room size can also affect humidity levels. If you are using a large air purifier in a small room, it may circulate air more quickly, potentially leading to a drier environment. Consider using an air purifier that is appropriate for the size of your room to minimize the drying effect.
How to Keep Humidity When Using an Air Purifier

The Consequences of Dry Air

Dry air can have various consequences on both our health and our surroundings. Here are some of the effects of dry air:

Health effects of dry air on individuals

The case of dry air has some health effects for us. We can list below:

  • Respiratory problems: Dry air can cause or worsen our respiratory problems. When the air is too dry, it can irritate the respiratory tract, making it more susceptible to infection. People with asthma, allergies, or other respiratory conditions may experience worsening symptoms when in dry air.
  • Dry skin: Low humidity can lead to our skin becoming dry, itchy, and aggravating conditions like eczema. It can also make the skin more susceptible to chapping and discomfort.
  • Eye irritation: Dry air can cause eye discomfort irritation and even worsen dry eye syndrome. Prolonged exposure to low humidity can lead to more serious eye problems.
  • Dehydration: Dry air can increase the amount of water lost in the body. We may not realize that we are losing more water through breathing and may not drink enough water to compensate, potentially leading to mild dehydration.

Potential damage to furniture, plants

Dry air may affect our furniture and plants, including:

  • Furniture: Low humidity can be detrimental to wooden furniture. It can result in the wood to dry out and potentially crack or split. This is especially true for antiques or valuable wooden items.
  • Plants: Indoor plants can also be affected by dry air. Most plants prefer a certain amount of humidity, and air that is too dry can lead to wilting, browning of leaf tips, and overall poor plant health.


In a nutsell, it is essential to note that air purifiers, while highly beneficial in improving indoor air quality, can have the unintended consequence of contributing to dry air. The keyword “air purifiers dry out air” serves as a reminder that achieving the right balance in your indoor environment is essential. Proper placement, humidity management with the help of a humidifier, and regular maintenance can ensure that the air purifier continues to improve air quality while maintaining comfortable humidity levels.

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