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10 Air Purifier Benefits You Should Know

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at BeforeBuy since 2022.

Nowadays, air pollution is becoming more and more serious. Faced with that situation, air purifiers have an important role in helping us improve indoor air quality. With different air filtration technologies, each air purifier helps us fight against many harmful particulars that exist in the air. We can mention some factors such as acne dust, mold, odors, viruses, etc.

However, if we only say, “Use an air purifier to improve air quality”, it seems probably quite general to describe the full capabilities of this device. So what are air purifiers benefits? Read the article below to get the most complete answer!

Let us go through air purifier benefits that may help you make a better decision should you buy an air purifier for your own home.

Air Purifier Benefits

1. Remove allergen load in the air

First of all, using air purifiers could help us to reduce allergens from the air. More specifically, allergens are things that could trigger an allergic reaction for some people, such as pollen, dust mite, pet dander,…

Air purifier removes allergen loads in the air by using multi-layer filtering. We can mention the most popular filters today, such as HEPA filters, carbon filters, and ionizer filters,… Among them, HEPA filters are considered the most effective in removing allergens. These filters have a multilayer network of very fine fiberglass threads, thinner than a strand of human hair, which makes them highly efficient at capturing smaller particles. When air passes through the filter, these particles get trapped, and the purified air is released back into the room.

Remove allergen load in the air

2. Reduce asthma triggers in the air

Besides the ability to get rid of allergens, air purifiers are also effective in capturing and destroying ordinary asthma triggers due to a mixture of advanced filtration technology, including HEPA filters and activated carbon technology. Common asthma triggers include:

  • Dust mites
  • Pollen
  • Pet dander
  • Mold spores
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Tobacco smoke

The HEPA filters are capable of capturing allergens and particulate matter in high efficiency, thereby reducing the spreading of the same within a confined indoor area. Specifically, HEPA filters are designed to remove at least 99.97% of pollen, dust, and other 0.3 micron-sized airborne particles. On the other hand, activated carbon filters have an amazing adsorptive property that helps neutralize noxious gasses as well as odors, which may affect respiratory health significantly. By continuously purifying the air inside, then, air purifiers greatly reduce the concentration of potential asthma triggers and, as a result, put asthmatic persons at ease.

Reduce asthma triggers in the air

3. Decrease risk of airborne virus exposure

One of the best air purifier benefits is helping decrease the probability of contracting the virus. In particular, some sophisticated air purifiers with UV light technology can kill virus particles and make them harmless by breaking down their genetic information so that they cannot infect people.

Additionally, HEPA-filtered air purifiers can capture 99.97% of airborne particles as tiny as 0.3 microns, including virus particles. Air purifiers with carbon filters can also aid in the reduction of airborne viruses by absorbing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which viruses can emit.

Air purifiers have been found in studies to be beneficial in minimizing the danger of airborne virus exposure. Research published in the journal “Environmental Science &Technology” discovered that air purifiers with HEPA filters lowered the quantity of SARS-CoV-2 aerosols in the air by up to 90%.

With such advanced air purification processes in place, air purifiers could have been another level of defense against indoor airborne viruses.

Decrease risk of airborne virus exposure

4. Remove mold from the air

The growth of mold, especially in the rainy season, not only causes damage to household furniture but also affects our health. Besides mold patches visible to the naked eye, there are also floating fungal spores in the air. These microscopic particles may be absorbed into the lungs, which can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Sneezing, coughing, and itching
  • Chronic headaches, even leading to brain fog syndrome
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Neurological symptoms such as mood swings

According to research by Huang and Kimbrough in 2009, air purifiers can help us significantly improve mold allergy symptoms.  An air purifier can remove mold from the air by trapping it in the filter. HEPA filters can capture 99.97% of airborne particles as tiny as 0.3 microns, including mold spores. Carbon filters are very good at removing odorous gasses and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that mold can emit. Additionally, by collecting mold spores and other contaminants, air purifiers with carbon filters can also assist in eliminating mold from the air.

Therefore, when your house has much mold, a purifier will become a great assistant for your family.

Remove mold from the air

5. Enhance your sleep

There are many ways to help you get quality sleep, one of which is improving air quality. And, of course, no device can do it as well as an air purifier. We think it is an important air purifier benefit but is rarely mentioned.

Air purifiers can improve our sleep not only by reducing pollutants and allergens but also by reducing snoring;suppose you have respiratory infections caused by airborne pollutants. 

Additionally, some types of air purifiers provide a “white noise level“. White noise is the term used to describe static frequencies that blend to form a soothing sound. A study has shown that white noise can help you fall asleep 40% faster than usual. In addition, white noise also makes children and babies fall asleep faster. With air purifiers that create white noise, we will have a 2-in-1 device – both enhancing the quality of air and helping you quickly fall asleep. Not only that, most air purifiers have a sleep mode for you to choose from, helping you create a more perfect bedroom environment.

6. Reduce smell and odors

The use of air purifiers is critical for reducing undesirable smells by making the existence of noxious smells in the interior environment. This is achieved by using activated carbon filters that effectively catch and neutralize cooking smells, dog odor, cigarette smoke, VOCs released by household products, and other types of bad air due to various reasons.

This results in high-quality living since there is reduced spread of bad odor, hence creating a homely environment promoting comfort and relaxation.

Reduce smell and odors

7. Decrease stress

Air purifiers do more than just give you a healthier and fresher breath. It reduces stress in your life. People who breathe polluted air tend to be more stressed than those who breathe clean air. One of the best parts about breathing through cleaner air is the decrease of cortisol in your body. That helps you relax and lowers your stress levels, making it easier to do things and improve overall productivity.

Decrease stress

8. Help with dust and pet dander

Last but not least, we want to mention an important air purifiers benefits in helping with dust and pet dander. Air pollutants, dust or pet dander all can irritate our respiratory system. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that dust mites and dust are the leading causes of asthma attacks. Additionally, according to a study in Allergy and Asthma Proceedings, pet dander is the culprit that aggravates allergy and asthma symptoms.

But don’t worry, because an air purifier can help you minimize this condition by keeping harmful elements in its filter. Normally, particles, dust, and pet dander are 5 microns or less in size. So the size of them is within the reach of an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter, which can capture the particles with a size of 0.3 or larger.

Help with dust and pet dander

9. Removes dangerous asbestos particles

From the 1940s until the 1960s, asbestos roofing materials and insulation pipes became more prevalent. As these structures age, materials shed, it would release asbestos dust into the environment. So you may be exposed to asbestos particles if you live in an old house or work in an old business facility. 

Asbestos particles inhaled can induce a lung illness characterized by tissue scarring. Asbestosis symptoms include swelling in the neck or face, loss of appetite, and trouble swallowing. This illness also raises the chance of developing lung cancer.

To avoid asbestosis, we should utilize HEPA air purifiers. As we mentioned above, HEPA filters can trap tiny particles up to 0.3 microns.

10. Boost life expectancy

Indoor air pollution can hurt your cardiovascular, respiratory, and even neurological systems. More specifically, chemicals and gases emitted by everyday home goods might build up in your lungs. Moreover, airborne particles are so minute that they pass through the blood-brain barrier, affecting your brain and cognitive abilities.

So in this situation, you will need a good air purifier that captures even small particles, resulting in superior air quality.

Boost life expectancy

How Do Air Purifiers Operate?

The functioning of air purifiers is based on drawing in air from an environment’s surroundings and filtering it via a number of filters to eliminate contaminants and pollutants. The specific mechanisms can vary depending on the type of air purifier, but the general process involves the following steps:

  • Air intake: A fan or suction mechanism is part of the air purifier, which draws air from the room/space.
  • Pre-filter: Several models of air purifiers are equipped with pre-filters for removing larger particles such as dust, hair, and pet dander. This prolongs the lifetime of the main filters and increases overall efficiency.
  • Main filters: Then, the air is passed through one, two, or more main filters that pick up even finer dust. HEPA is the most widely used type of filter in air cleaners. These filters are very efficient in trapping particles down to 0.3 micrometers, such as allergens, pollen, molds, and a few bacteria.
  • Activated carbon filter: The air purifier is equipped with an activated carbon filter, which helps to remove odors, gasses, and VOCs, among others, from the atmosphere. These chemicals are absorbed into the activated carbon, as it has an extremely high surface area and improves the general air quality.
  • Additional filtration: In addition to HEPA filter, some air purifiers may incorporate other filters like electrostatic precipitator or UV for killing bacteria and viruses when filtering air, and it may vary depending upon what air purifier is in question.
  • Clean air release: After passing through the filters, the air is returned to the room as clean and less of an impurity or pollutant.

Common Types of Air Purifiers

There are five common types of air purifiers that are popular in the market. Each air purifier has its benefits

  • HEPA air purifiers: HEPA is a highly productive type of air purifier due to its effective filter at trapping very small particles, including dust mites and pet dander. Of the following five types of air purifiers, HEPA is the most popular in the market’
  • Activated carbon air purifiers: Activated carbon air purifiers are known as the most effective at removing odors, smells, and gasses from the air. Activated carbon filters are often used in conjunction with HEPA filters to remove a wider range of pollutants.
  • Ionizing air purifiers: Ionizing air purifiers work by electrically charging in the air. This causes all the particles to stick to the surfaces of air cleaning, such as fans and furniture. It’s really helpful in removing particles and dust, but they also produce ozone, which is a harmful gas to humans 
  • UV-C air purifiers: UV-C air purifiers use ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses. UV-C air purifiers are normally used in healthcare facilities to mitigate the risk of infection.
  • PCO air purifiers: PCO stands for photocatalytic oxidation. Similar to UV-C purifiers, PCO air also uses ultraviolet light to destroy pollutants in the air to make it healthier. PCO air is really effective in removing a wide range of pollutants.
  • Portable: A portable air purifier is specifically designed to be easily movable and used in different spaces. It typically has a smaller size and lighter weight compared to other types of air purifiers, allowing for convenient transportation and flexibility. While some portable models may have fewer advanced features compared to larger units, many portable air purifiers still offer a range of effective filtration technologies and features.

How to Choose the Best Air Purifier?

There are so many kinds of air purifiers on the market right now;however, it’s not easy to choose the right one that fits your needs. Therefore, you have to consider many factors, such as air purifier benefits, price, and type of filter,… which would be a daunting task for inexperienced buyers. Therefore, we will guide you through several factors you need to consider before buying air purifiers for your own family: 

  • The type of pollutants you want to remove: Different pollutants need different types of air purifiers. For example, if you want to eliminate odors in your kitchen, you can choose an air purifier equipped with a carbon filter. Or suppose your family has pets with much dander. The device has a HEPA filter is a suitable choice. Normally, current air purifiers on the market are integrated with 2-3 different filters. Therefore, it is easier for you to choose an effective air quality improvement product that can meet your many needs.
  • The size of room: If your air purifier has an AHAM Verified seal, you may be confident that it will handle the room size specified on the seal. However, be skeptical of manufacturers’ promises.
  • The noise level of an air purifier:  Because these devices should constantly be functioning, they should preferably have a tiny noise level. The best choice is smaller than 50 dB, approximately roughly equivalent to the hum of a refrigerator. Before purchasing a model, you may be able to check its decibel levels on its package or online page.
  • Clear Air Delivery Rate (CADR): The CADR measures the volume of clean air produced by an air purifier at its peak speed in cubic feet per minute. A purifier with a CADR of 250 for dust particles, for example, decreases dust particle levels to the same concentration as adding 250 cubic feet of clean air per minute. The quicker and more effective the air purifier, the greater the CADR. 
  • Energy Star certification: Because air purifiers must operate continuously to be effective, you should consider the energy cost while shopping. Energy Star-certified purifiers use 40% less energy than regular versions.


Do air purifiers really make a difference?

Yes, air purifiers could really help you in providing a healthier life for your house. Not only does it help you reduce the stress level, but it also removes harmful particles from the air, giving you quality air to breathe

Is it good to use an air purifier every day?

Indeed, cleaning with an air purifier every day. From this perspective, it helps trap allergens, pollutants, and odor, thus reducing the likelihood of people suffering from respiratory problems. Regular application gives a healthy atmosphere,, especially to individuals having allergies and respiratory sensitivities. Nevertheless, in order to fully achieve their purpose and function effectively for a long time, it is important that they are well maintained and their cleaning done according to the instructions of their maker. 

Is there a downside to air purifiers?

Some air purifiers, such as ionizing air purifiers, could produce ozone gas, which is a harmful gas that could damage our lungs and respiratory system as well.

Can air purifiers prevent coronavirus?

Air purifiers can help reduce the risk of airborne transmission by lowering the concentration of virus particles indoors therefore, it may not be a hundred percent guaranteed that a person is fully protected from Coronavirus. While these preventive measures form an integral aspect of reducing transmission;vaccines, use of masks, effective ventilation, as well as personal hygiene still remain vital. Air purifiers that have HEPA filters and UV light technology can help reduce the number of airborne viruses;however, cannot be the only means to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


In conclusion, investment in air purifiers is a good way to give you a healthier environment to breathe. With air purifier benefits, you not only can enhance your indoor air quality but also raise your mental life due to it could decrease stress levels and help you sleep more easily. By choosing the right air purifier, you will see its worth for your time and your money.

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