Ellie Perez

Ellie Perez is a senior home editor with many years of experience. She has consistently demonstrated a great passion for the home field so far. She currently works at BeforeBuy, where she can indulge her passion for creating high-quality articles that provide valuable knowledge. Her task is to oversee all home content on the site. Ellie is known for her dedication and responsibility in her work, always putting these qualities first.

Ellie Perez graduated from Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2015 with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.With more than 8 years of experience, Ellie Perez wrote and edited over 1000 articles in the home field.

Ellie Perez info highlights


Growing up in a family that owned a vegetable farm, Ellie was exposed to gardening methods and tools from a young age. This early exposure has contributed to giving her a comprehensive and holistic perspective on how to use various products and optimize methods in the home and garden.

She not only goes beyond her ability to create high-quality articles that help people understand home field but also brings many other values. She actively participates in various competitions and has won awards for inventing useful equipment in the home and garden fields.

During her career in content creation, Ellie Perez has collaborated with many companies, ranging from newly formed to old-established firms. Hers work consistently delivers informative and inspiring content. Therefore, she can write many types of content, including articles, blogs, guides, and product reviews, all of which showcase his profound expertise in the home field. All articles she creates highly valued in terms of quality by readers and leading specialists, making her become one of the most excellent content editor in the field of home.

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